Job People

People doing 9 to 5 jobs are the people living in the predetermined pond with set boundaries . Some people think that the company in which they are working will help them increase there pond boundaries . Which is some what True . But today i want to talk about people who have lost their hope in the life they neither having dream nor they are having a hope that they can live a life like a bird in the air . In Mathew 6 : 23 Jesus says look at the birds of the air they neither SOW nor REAP yet your heavenly father feeds them in the vary sentence we can feel like we have an freedom ? Then What the problem is ? We have not inherited our freedom We must inherit our freedom ? well how would that be possible ? Simply Know Jesus .

My Friend i want to encourage you to accept Jesus Christ as your saviour and Redeemer .

And a Life Full Of Freedom , Peace, Restfullness.