Job People

People doing 9 to 5 jobs are the people living in the predetermined pond with set boundaries . Some people think that the company in which they are working will help them increase there pond boundaries . Which is some what True . But today i want to talk about people who have lost their hope in the life they neither having dream nor they are having a hope that they can live a life like a bird in the air . In Mathew 6 : 23 Jesus says look at the birds of the air they neither SOW nor REAP yet your heavenly father feeds them in the vary sentence we can feel like we have an freedom ? Then What the problem is ? We have not inherited our freedom We must inherit our freedom ? well how would that be possible ? Simply Know Jesus .

My Friend i want to encourage you to accept Jesus Christ as your saviour and Redeemer .

And a Life Full Of Freedom , Peace, Restfullness.

Brand Watch

A person wearing branded watch can be a wealthy person But a person wearing non branded watch is not a wealthy person our society asunes that. This isn’t true .A person wearing a good looking watch will have a good heart is to be found sure in many times. So Please don’t judge a person according to it’s taste of Brand. A person not having costly watch on his wrist can be a very good person.


Watch Is not Simply to check time the history of watch reveals us that our emotions also changes as look towards time. Now a days we now wrist watch is very common the one has time and the one who is not having a time. But people who are busy looks rare towards their watch but people who are not so looks not often . But do you know watch can release your stress level through many ways 80 to 90℅ of people look towards theirs watch and says to themselves (abhi toh bohot time hai). Especially when we wear our Authentic Wrist watch not the smart watch. Smart watch may help you to get some additional features heartbeat pulserate etc and all that but can never take place of our original watch legacy which is being built by 100s of years . Benifits of having a Anglo wrist watch You feel you are worth of Some extra ordinary Potential which is already in you even though you may have not seen in the real world But inside if you you now that You can Make a difference in the world. People Notices you more than ever if you are wearing a Anglo Modern watch But not a smart watch Because we all know smart is being weard by unsmart people also. You Body posture gets enhanced confidence than ever if you started to wear a Anglo Watch. My Colegue I want to encourage you to Start Wearing a Anglo Indian American Watch.

Author Name

-Susmeet Gaikwad

(Content Writer)